PSR Factory

API for Database Management

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Comprehensive Python automation library for PSR models

PSR Factory Application Programming Interface (API) is a tool designed to streamline the creation, management and execution of PSR models' databases, enabling users to easily add new elements, update existing ones, or remove items like plants, systems, buses, and more.

Simple and easy to use

Features straightforward object model, extensive and precise documentation and a range of 'ready-to-use' examples.

DataFrames integration

Factory uses pandas' DataFrames as a way of exchanging data. Time varying data can be entered and extracted as data frames.

Simulation loops

Factory can be used to create simulation loops - run simulation, process the results, modify the study, start over.

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Python Automation

Factory is available in Python, which has a variety of packages that can be combined to manage studies, run simulations, and process results.

PSR Factory will be included as an extra tool within the licenses for SDDP, OptGen and NCP

Discover PSR licensing schemes

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